How to cope with Sand Drum Dryer Airflow problems
Ensuring sufficient airflow rate of the sand drum dryer and keeping in constant touch with inside cylinder temperature, then fuels adding can be managed accordingly. Energy-saving drying status can be achieved in this way. Airflow either natural air or man-made air, between hot blast furnace and inside dryer cylinder, blows towards internal cylinder.
The crucial two parts influencing airflow are the flapping valve and dynamic valve. Sound Operation of these two parts could ensure smooth air outlet and excellent ventilation.
First of all ,we need get to judge ventilation condition. There is one simple way for testing it: wet one hand with water, and reach the hand out to the products discharge side, water will get evaporated within short time,indicating good ventilation. If not,it will show not ideal ventilation and adjustment should be arranged promptly.
Airflow volume can be adjusted based on following ways:
1. Check sealing of the flapping valve,especially relevant bearing sealings: to avoid big-sized sundries such as slag,brick,iron wire etc,because they may get flapping valve jammed or block airflow.
2.Observing discharge amount and discharging intervals if corresponding to mud discharging amount from the drum dryer. Two much mud in the bucket may hinder discharging while little may lead to excessive vibration.
3. Oil filling regularly to shaft oil cup, screw 1 or 2 times for each shift.Besides,check flexibility of dynamic valve, and location of counterweight and intimated touch between pyramid and discharging tube.